SALTA 1st Grade Curriculum Map
Self-Assessment of MTSS (SAM) is an instrument used to measure school-level implementation of MTSS, which provides the framework for schools to integrate academic, behavior, and social-emotional supports. Quality implementation of MTSS is associated with the increased likelihood that instruction and interventions will lead to successful student outcomes Skills-based Instruction - a structure for providing reading instruction that is targeted to sudents’ skill level. Essential components include teaching essential reading skills, differentiating instruction based on assessment results providing explicit and systematic instruction with ample opportunities for practice and feedback, responding to student progress data, and creating an atmosphere that is motivating and engaging School Community Council (SCC) is the collaborative group consisting of patrons, principal, and teachers representing a specific school Standards-Based Grading and reportin Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions Standard Error of Measurement (SEM) is the standard deviation of error around a student’s true score A Summative Overall Rating (SOR) with administrator feedback is provided to all educators in their summative evaluation year as part of CTESS. The SOR takes into account the Instructional Quality Rating (IQR), the educator’s Student Growth Reflection, and the educator’s Response to Stakeholder Input Special Education Department: The Canyons School District Office of Special Education and Related Services is to provide individualized education and related services that address students' unique learning needs, to cultivate independence, and to promote good citizenship so students graduate college or career-ready Student Risk Screening Scale - Internalizing and Externalizing (SRSS-IE) is a screening tool that helps identify students who may be at risk for externalizing and/or internalizing problem behaviors Student Support Teams (SSTs) are multidisciplinary problem-solving teams created to identify and address the needs of students who are demonstrating significant difficulty in school. • Anyone in the school or a parent (through a staff member) can refer a student for help. • SSTs meet regularly to triage students that have been referred for a variety of concerns (academic, social/ emotional, behavioral, health needs, homelessness, etc.) that are affecting their ability to successfully function within the daily demands of the school environment. • SSTs also monitor the progress of students receiving Supplemental and/or Intensive services. an educational program developed to prepare primary and secondary students for college and graduate study in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematic Structured Classroom Discussion (SCD) is a way to improve
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