SALTA 1st Grade Curriculum Map

Canyons School District

Instructional Supports Department

CURRICULUM COMPACTING Differentiate material for advanced learners by compacting the curriculum in order to provide supplemental and enrichment activities.

Implementation Tools and Resources

Definition Advanced learners may have some mastery of core skills that enables them to move more quickly through the material and/or achieve mastery with less practice. One way to differentiate learning for advanced learners is to compact the curriculum. This process is essential, as all students must first be given access to the core and then receive the scaffolds they need. Advanced learners need enrichment and supplemental activities. ( Process Curriculum Compacting is an instructional technique that is specifically designed to make appropriate customization for advanced learners. Essentially, the procedure involves (1) defining the goals and outcomes of a particular unit or segment of instruction, (2) determining and documenting which students have already mastered most or all of a specified set of learning outcomes, (3) providing instruction for mastery of learning outcomes, and (4) providing deeper learning strategies for material already mastered through the use of instructional options that enable a more challenging and productive use of the student's time (Reis & Renzulli, 2005). The instruction necessarily entails reduced amounts of introductory activities, drill, and practice and increased enrichment, connection and application activities. (Templeton Report, 2004)

Critical Actions for Educators

• Create a challenging learning environment in the classroom with enrichment opportunities for all students. • Define objectives and guarantee proficiency in core curriculum. • Plan alternative learning activities based on advanced content, practice, and student interest.

Grade Acceleration

CSD does not recommend students grade accelerate within the SALTA program.

The SALTA program is designed to serve students who demonstrate high cognitive and academic ability when compared with others of their same age, experience, and/or environment. In the SALTA program, the pace of the curriculum is designed to meet the needs of advanced learners with an emphasis on deeper learning, application of learning materials, higher order thinking skills, and increased complexity of the task.

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