SALTA 1st Grade Curriculum Map
Suggested Agenda for Winter Parent Teacher Conference The purpose of a parent teacher conference is to: • Form a connection between the home and the school to support student growth toward achieving mastery of standards. • Provide data on current student achievement and progress towards mastery. • Follow up and revise actionable goals as needed for achievement (SEP). • Discuss student’s learning skills. Agenda Items: Suggested talking points: (choose what works for you)
Student . . . • is making progress or growth toward(s) . . . • shows commitment in . . . • respects and cooperates with… (learning skills)
Strengths and Celebrations: (indicated in SEP under student growth) 2-3 minutes
Data to share: Prioritize the use of current CBM and/or SRI data to support celebrations and highlight areas for needed growth. 3- 5 minutes •
Acadience: benchmark and/or progress monitoring • SRI: Proficiency report (4 th -5 th grade) • Learning skills rubric (see canvas) - optional • Student samples (e.g., writing samples, oral responses, tests)- optional • Envision 2.0 and Reading Street reports - optional • • Review student’s goals including academic and behavior • Review progress towards goals including relevant data and student work • Revise goals and actions plans as necessary • What concerns do you have that we have not covered? • Your concerns are important to address; I’d like to schedule an additional time to provide more information • If report card questions are asked address as necessary
Discuss SEP goals & Action Plan. Revise as necessary. 3-5 minutes
Supports for possible additional questions/conversations, concerns or compliments (remember to sum up the positive take away for the student)
If questions come up about the report card, possible responses: • Our conference tonight will set up your student to be able to achieve progress toward the grade level standards, which will be represented on the report card you will receive. • This conference is about reviewing/revising your child’s SEP. • There is an explanation about the report card on the front page of the district website:
5/20/2019 ©Canyons School District
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