SALTA 1st Grade Curriculum Map



refers to the complexity of mental processing that must occur for a student to answer a question, perform a task, or generate a product. A greater DOK level requires greater conceptual understanding and cognitive processing. Utah’s formal Digital Teaching and Learning (DTL) initiative began in 2012 with the collaborative efforts of local school systems, the Utah State Board of Education, the Utah Education and Telehealth Network (UETN), and the Legislature working together. This led to the creation of Utah’s Master Plan: Essential Elements for Technology Powered Learning (External Web Content), which articulates the intent of technology-powered learning in Utah, including the critical role of educators as the architects of learning District-wide Standards-based Assessments (DWSBAs) are created by teams of teachers and content specialists and are designed to assess mastery of targeted standards at set points in time. DWSBAs are given in all content areas at key times during the school year. Data from these assessments measure student growth i(complies with House Bill 201) English Language Development (ELD) is an instructional model designed to develop the English proficiency of English learners. ELD instruction emphasizes development in all four language domains: reading, writing, listening, and speaking English Language Learner or English Learner - These two terms are often used interchangeably. Both refer to students whose native language is not English, but who are actively trying to learn English. Other terms that have been used sometimes to refer to ELs include limited English proficient (LEP), English as a second language (ESL), and language minority students Under the supervision of the director or coordinator, the District Administrative Assistant will assist the department and staff in daily departmental functions, maintains computer and other records and operates and maintains office machines. The assistant will also support telephone calls, deliver messages and provide routine information and direction to staff and visitors. High Yielding Practices for Educators (HYPE) is a series of professional learning courses designed to help teachers improve their instructional practices Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is a written document developed through a team effort for each student who is eligible for special education that outlines the student’s individualized educational goals and objectives Instructional Professional Learning Communities meet regularly during non-instructional time to focus on student data and problem solve around instruction practices to improve student achievement. Sometimes called “PLC The IPOP measures key indicators of quality instructional practices identified by research that significantly increase the likelihood of student learning Instructional Quality Rating (IQR) is one of three elements of CTESS for teachers in their summative evaluation year. The IQR is a cumulative rating of the educator’s performance on each of the 12 CTESS standards (Highly Effective, Effective, Emerging Effective/Minimally Effective, or Not Effective) Instructional Supports Department (commonly known as the curriculum department) - This is where you will find the content leads and support for the curriculum













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