SALTA 1st Grade Curriculum Map

POSITIVE TO CORRECTIVE FEEDBACK Effect Size 0.75 Implementation Tools & Resources

Positive and corrective feedback are extremely important tools in changing and maintaining behavior. Terry Scott indicated that a 4:1 positive to corrective ratio (4 positives to every corrective) is needed in order for students to learn new behaviors, and an even higher ratio is needed in order to help students change behaviors. Harshly delivered feedback can deter a student’s motivation to take risks and can impact a student’s motivation to learn. Effective corrective feedback sequences include several successful feedback loops to help ensure a safe learning environment for the student. Providing more positive responses to students than corrective ones help to create a positive teacher-student relationship, which increases student engagement in the classroom and the school. When a student is learning a new behavior, or changing a behavior, it is critical that the teacher describe the expected student behavior specifically when giving feedback. It is also important that teachers respond with positive feedback immediately after correct behaviors occur so that students are clear about which behavior is desired. Emphasizing the appropriate behavior will increase the likelihood that the student will repeat the behavior again.

Critical Actions for Educators

*Use specific praise. *Respond positively to appropriate behavior immediately after it occurs. *Use a variety of positive praise. *Give corrective feedback followed by positive reinforcement in a timely manner.

Tips for Increasing Positive to Corrective Feedback to Change or Teach New Behavior Identify student behaviors appropriate for positive reinforcement (following directions the first time, raising hand to talk, resolving a conflict, staying in seat, etc.). Assess the current level of positives to correctives by inviting a coach or another teacher into your classroom to collect data. Review data to determine if a ratio of at least 4 positives to 1 corrective is occurring. Determine a plan of action based on results. Elicit support from principal, coach, and colleagues as needed to support your plan of action.

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