SALTA 1st Grade Curriculum Map
Canyons School District
Instructional Supports Department
Projects M 2 and M 3 - SALTA Curriculum & Materials: For All SALTA Grades
Projects M 2 and M 3 lessons are based on 50-minute class times. The CSD math block is 90 minutes and pacing for M2 in the map correlates with the 90-minute time. For example, M 2 pacing suggests that most Units take approximately 30 days to teach, based on a 50-minute period. Please use the Pacing Guide to plan M 2 lessons accordingly. Projects M 2 and M 3 are each a series of six curriculum units designed for grades K-2 (M 2 ) and 3-5 (M 3 ) to foster inquiry and engage students in critical thinking, problem solving, and communication activities. Projects M 2 and M 3 deliver even more ways for teachers to motivate and challenge advanced students in grades 1-5 and support the Common Core Standards and NAGC exemplary practices.
The program provides simulated or real-life problems so students can actively solve them in the same ways that practicing mathematicians do.
Math Exemplars – SALTA Curriculum: For All SALTA Grades
About Math Exemplars: Problem Solving for the Common Core is not a “test prep” program, but rather a supplement to existing curricula. It is based on research that shows that students who engage in challenging and interesting work will perform at higher levels than those who do not. The performance tasks in this program were written according to Universal Design guidelines and developed to support teachers in implementing the Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Content and Standards for Mathematical Practice. This resource is intended to help teachers embed mathematical problem solving into classroom instruction and assessment. Both instructional tasks/formative assessments and summative assessment tasks are provided for every applicable Common Core content standard. Alignments to the Standards for Mathematical Practice are also included. Shared Inquiry™ is a method of teaching and learning that enables people of all ages to explore the ideas, meaning, and information found in everything they read. It centers on interpretive questions that have more than one plausible answer and can lead to engaging and insightful conversations about the text. And it is based on the conviction that participants can gain a deeper understanding of a text when they work together and are prompted by the skilled questioning of their discussion leader. In this type of discussion, each participant engages in an active search for the meaning of a work by reading closely, asking questions and discussing actively. Discussion leaders provide direction and guidance in order to get participants thinking, listening, and responding to questions and answers from others in their discussion groups. The participants in the group look to the discussion leader for questions, not answers. Junior Great Books - SALTA Curriculum & Material - For All SALTA Grades
There are five key guidelines to engaging in a successful Shared Inquiry discussion. ● Participants must read the selection carefully before the discussion. ● The goal of the group is to discuss the ideas in the text and explore them fully. ● Participants should support interpretations of the text with evidence from the work. ● Everyone needs to listen carefully to the other participants and respond to them directly. ● The leader is there to ask questions rather than offer his/her own interpretations of the text.
*New to 2020-2021, teachers have the option to use the non-fiction component of Junior Great books as well as the math program, ST Math, with their students. ©Canyons School District
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