SALTA 1st Grade Curriculum Map

Canyons School District

Instructional Supports Department

PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Performance Standards identify skills needed for problem-solving, reasoning, communicating, and making connections.

Performance Standards 1

Process Skills

Critical Actions for Educators:

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Active Listening Non-Verbal Cues Deeper Questioning Clarity and Precision

Help students achieve deeper learning of the performance standards through frequent practice of the process skills. Provide learning experiences that enable students to explore different performance standards Explicitly teach each performance standard so students know how to achieve. Use grade-level content standards and curriculum as the base to teach deeper

Effective Communication

Positive Feedback Culture Objective Summarizing

Clarity of roles


Promotive Interaction Positive Interdependence

Collaboration and Teamwork

Individual and Group Accountability

Conflict Management

Productive curiosity Objective research skills

Identify bias, including personal bias Evaluate multiple points of view

Analytical and Critical Thinking

Infer and draw conclusions

Determine relevance

Define the problem

learning and performance standards.

Determine the root cause(s) of the problem

Develop alternative solutions

Problem Solving and Innovation

Select a solution

Content Knowledge (CK) Evaluate the ou come Maintain a growth mindset Implement the Solution

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Self-Correct and adjust learning approach in response to self-assessment and monitoring Reflect on previous learning to strategically action plan for new learning Embrace productive conflict of thought Be critically aware of one’s thinking and learning, and oneself as a thinker and a learner

Metacognitive Strategies

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1 Performance Standards adapted from Utah’s Portrait of a Graduate:

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