SALTA 1st Grade Curriculum Map

Canyons School District

Instructional Supports Department


SRSS-IE (Systematic Risk Screening Scale- Internalizing and Externalizing)

Background Information (cont.)

Teachers can only access the students assigned to them and the data for their class. Students scores are automatically generated and listed as low risk, moderate risk, high risk in each category, externalizing and internalizing. Are parents notified? Parents are notified of the Universal Screener as part of online registration. Parents can opt-out the same way they opt-out of RISE testing.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I don’t know the answer? Please answer all the questions to the best of your ability to maintain the validity of the instrument. What if my student is rated high in either externalizing or internalizing or both? Students with higher ratings may be screened in SST for support. The aggregate data is more important, however, as it allows administrators to identify trends and group students. Identifying a student “high” will not result in immediate services or additional classroom staff. What if most of my students are rated high, will this be part of my performance evaluation? No, high ratings will not result in changes in CTESS or performance evaluations. What should I say when a parent asks me what my student’s score was? Be honest, collaborate and problem solve. Remind them this is one indicator from observed behaviors and talk about what you can do together to help the student be successful.

Where can I go to get more information about the SSRS-IE? Head to the following link:

Where can I go to get more information or support about internalizing and externalizing behaviors and interventions for those students? Internalizing and externalizing behaviors are commonly addressed by your school’s SEL staff (Psychologist/School Social Worker, ES Counselor), achievement coaches, and external coaches. Refer to the CSD Behavior Instructional Priorities for strategies and interventions. ©Canyons School District

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