SALTA 1st Grade Curriculum Map
Canyons School District
Student Advocacy and Access Department
English Language Development Implementation Tools & Resources
English Language Development (ELD) is instruction designed specifically for students whose first language is not English. The purpose of ELD is to help students learn grade-level content while expanding their knowledge of English in the four domains of language: speaking, listening, reading and writing. Every school and classroom should have a plan for building English language skills throughout the school day. ELD helps students gain the language skills they need to recount, explain, argue, and discuss in both academic and social contexts (see WIDA Can Do Descriptors: Key Uses on the following pages). ELD can be integrated into all classroom instruction throughout the day, for all content and contexts, (Integrated ELD); or provided during a specific time of the learning block with other students learning English (Designated ELD). Ideally, students will receive both integrated and designated ELD instruction. Regardless of the method, the essential practices of ELD are the same. Essential ELD Practices : 1. Teachers build culturally responsive classroom environments and positive relationships with EL students 2. Teachers develop social and academic language through the instructional hierarchy 3. Teachers scaffold for student success, based on students’ English language proficiency level 4. Teachers challenge students with rigorous, grade-level structured classroom discussions, texts, and writing tasks Effective ELD instruction will: ● Increase student confidence and connectedness to the classroom and school ● Increase student proficiency in English ● Increase student engagement and participation ● Improve student comprehension and mastery of lesson content ● Enrich the overall classroom culture
Critical Actions for Educators .………………………... ● Create a culturally sensitive classroom and positive relationships with students ● Use the instructional hierarchy to teach social and academic English ● Provide
appropriate scaffolds for student proficiency levels
● Challenge
students with rigorous, grade-level learning tasks
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