SALTA 1st Grade Curriculum Map

BEST PRACTICES IN GRADING Evidence-based Grading Practices

A standards-based approach to reporting achievement communicates precisely how students are performing in the school setting on specific academic and behavioral standards in order to guide key

Critical Actions for Educators *Communicate precisely how students are performing. *Separate behavior & academic grades. Penalize a behavior grade for late work rather than an academic grade. *Allow students opportunities for re- takes. *Students should have time to practice new skills without academic penalty.

stakeholders (students, parents, teachers, and principals) in making important educational decisions. The tables below outline a few standards-based approaches to grading and specifically detail evidence-based practices for grade reporting, deadlines and late work, retakes and practice work.

Grade Reporting

The purpose of the report is to accurately communicate with parents and students the academic achievements, process of learning, and rate of progress towards mastering standards. It is intended to convey information about what students know and can do in regards to the reporting standards .


• 80/20 Assessment/practice classwork • A,B,C,D,F • Communication and storage (Skyward/Canvas)


Expected Best Practices

Outdated Practices

• 80% Grade are reported on academic measures based on the standards • Multiple lines of evidence are used to determine mastery towards a standard • Behavioral grades are assigned that incorporate, work completion, attendance, and participation

• More than 20% of the students reported grade is based on behavioral characteristics.

Implementation Standards

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