Elementary PE Brainbooster

fingers that only tag on U.S.A. ○ Upper back ○ Shoulders ○ Arms ● No matter the locomotor skill (running, galloping, leaping, etc.), review how students can move safely.


Return to Home Base and ask the following: ● What does running do for our bodies? ● How does running lead to good health? ● Where could we play this game during recess?

Prepare students for the next activity.

Strength/Flexibility/Endurance Stations

Show How How to Play:

● Split students up into groups based on stations with even numbers for partners, assigning each group to a station. ● The main stations will test one of the health components: ○ Muscular Strength: Push Up ○ Cardiovascular Fitness: Agility Run ○ Muscular Endurance: Curl Up Variation ○ Flexibility: Sit and Reach ● Other stations can consist of: ○ Bowling Pins, Rackets, Paddles and Balloons (practice striking)

○ JumpRope ○ HulaHoops

○ Jump Test (Vertical height up a wall) ○ Rest Station (Get water and relax) ○ Your choice!

Practice andPlay

Review what each station looks like with a student who can help model each station.

Play music to “start” stations, pausing it to stop and rotate the groups. ● If you don’t have music, identify a “Go Word” and “Stop Word” to help students know when to begin the exercise and when to rotate. ● Each station should last about 30 seconds to a minute, with 10 seconds of transition time between activities. ● For the first round of stations, remind students they are learning/practicing the skill. For each round after that, challenge them to improve from their first round. 5th Grade Modification ● Each student will receive a “Fitness Assessment and Goals” paper. ● Tell them that they will have a partner to help count repetitions for each other in the push up, sit up, and agility run test. They will also help


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