Elementary PE Brainbooster
Remind students they are trying to be accurate rather than throwing it too fast.
Before returning to Home Base, have students return their frisbees to you.
Return to Home Base and ask the following: ● How did we practice safety in this game? ● What was challenging about this game? Oh, So Close!
Show How How to Play:
● Splitting students up into groups of 4-5, have them line up behind the cones. Each cone should be spread out along the sideline, with a hula hoop at least 5 feet away (further away based on skills of students). ● On your “Go Word”, the first student in the line will attempt to throw their frisbee into the hula hoop. Wait until all teams have thrown to let them go retrieve their frisbee. The students will grab their frisbee and return it to their teammate next in line. ● The next student will throw the frisbee on your “Go Word”, repeating the process. Rotate through all the students as many times as possible. Demonstrate with two students, you being the first to show up to control their throw towards the hoop and modeling how to react if they miss. You can award points in several ways: ● After each team throws, you can award the closest team a point each round. Everyone else will yell “Oh, so close!” Blue team got the closest to/inside the hoop! “Oh, so close!” ● Have each team keep track of their own score and throw on their own timing ○ 1 point for touching the hula hoop ○ 2 points for getting it inside the hoop ○ 0 for throwing it outside of the hoop ○ Be sure to talk more about safety if students are retrieving the frisbees while everyone else is throwing.
Practice and Play
Return to Home Base and ask the following: ● How is throwing a frisbee different from throwing a ball? ● What was fun and challenging about this game? Wrap Up
Review Review I can… statements
Final Debrief: ● Why is it important to use equipment the right way? ● Where can we play these games during recess (use volcano cones
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