Elementary PE Brainbooster

● Raise knees higher than a normal running pace. ● Run on your toes rather than flat foot or heel-toe motion.

Remind students that while they are competing, they will still be respectful and kind to one another.

If students don’t want to race against another student, allow them to run by themselves.

Challenge students to run even faster on the second or third attempt.


Ask the following: ● How is sprinting different from running? ● What did respect look like during this activity? Long Jump

Show How How to Play:

● Split students into groups of 3-5 students. ● Students will choose to be either the “marker”, “jumper” and the others will wait in line. ● The first student in line will be the “jumper”, standing on the starting point. They will do a standing long jump, jumping as far as they can and freezing when they land. ● The “marker” will take the volcano cone and place it where the jumper lands. ● The jumper will turn into the marker, the marker will go into the line. The next student in line will be the next jumper. ● Students will continue rotating through the group so everyone gets a chance to practice the long jump. Review proper takeoff and landing technique: ● Takeoff: students should bend their knees and swing both arms back and forth for momentum. ● Landing: students will land balanced with bent knees, hips and ankles. Options with marking: ● Each student can have their own cone (different colors) so they can try to beat their own jump each round. ● Using one cone, students can try to beat the jumper in front of them. If students feel comfortable with the standing long jump, they can try the running long jump, where they will run up to the jumping off point, taking off behind it and landing with both feet together. ● Takeoff: Explode up and forward off of one foot. Demonstrate with a group of students how the rotation goes.

Practice andPlay


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