Elementary PE Brainbooster
PE/Playworks Unit Overview
3rd-5th: Physical Activity and Wellness
Introduce students to skills-based activities to support flexibility, strength, and endurance. Introduce the components of healthy living: nutrition, hydration, and personal value of physical activity. Students will be able to participate in a variety of fitness activities and identify the components of healthy living.
PE Strands and Standards
1.5: Move in and out of balancing, using curling, twisting, and stretching actions. 3.1: Develop a plan for participation in physical activities outside class. 3.2: Participate in activities during class without teacher prompting. 3.4: Describe examples of physical activities that enhance fitness. 3.6: Demonstrate, with teacher direction, the health-related fitness components of cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility. (Body composition should not be assessed at this grade level and is not recommended.) 3.7: Generate a list of fitness-related activities in which the student participates outside of school hours. 3.8: Compare the balance of good nutrition and physical activity. 3.9: Understand the importance of hydration during physical activity. 5.1: Discuss the relationship between physical activity and good health. 5.2: Reflect on the personal selection of particular physical activities over other options. 5.3: Discuss the challenge that comes from learning a new physical activity. 5.4: Describe the positive social interactions that result from participation in physical activity. 1.3: Move into and out of balances with curling, twisting, and stretching actions. 2.2: Apply the movement concepts of speed, endurance, and pacing for running. 2.4: Apply the concepts of direction and force when striking an object with a short-handled implement, sending it toward a designated target. 2.5: Apply simple offensive strategies and tactics in chasing and fleeing activities. 2.6: Apply simple defensive strategies/tactics in chasing and fleeing activities. 3.1: Analyze opportunities for participating in physical activity outside
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