Physics Instructional Guide
Quarter 4
McGraw Hill Module 21
Students evaluate their assessment including: ● The accuracy and precision of the data, as well as limitations (e.g., cost, risk, time,) of the investigation, and make suggestions and refnement ● The ability of the data to provide the evidence required) If necessary, students refne the investigational plan to produce more accurate, precise, and/or useful data
Standard 3.3 Organizing Data Students organize data that represents:. ● the two objects’ positions and velocities
● the magnitude and direction of the gravitational force and the electric force around an object. ● a vector feld model to represent the gravitational and electric felds around an object. Students describe what each data set represents. Explanations include: ● how changing positions and velocities connect to a change in energy Identifying Relationships Students use tools, technologies, and/or models to analyze the data and identify and describe relationships in the datasets, including: ● the change in the energy of the objects, given the initial and fnal positions and velocities of the objects. Students analyze data to identify effects of: ● changing the potential energy of objects interacting through the gravitational or electric felds depends on the distance between objects Interpreting Data Students use the analyzed data to support a claim ● that the change in the energy stored in the feld (which is qualitatively determined to be either positive, negative, or zero) is consistent with the change in energy of the objects. ● whether the energy stored in the feld increased, decreased, or remained the same when the objects interacted. Students use the analyzed data to describe a particular unanticipated or unintended effect of: ● how the cause and effect relationships on a qualitative level between forces produced by electric or magnetic felds and the change of energy of the objects in the system. Students include a statement regarding how variation or uncertainty in the data may affect the interpretation of the data, including: ● external felds that that affect measurements ● as the distance from the feld source increases the changes in the feld strength decreases until changes in the strength becomes negligible Standard 3.4 Components of the model From a given model, students identify and describe the components of how the model illustrates how the feld changes with distance including:
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