Physics Instructional Guide



Quarter 4

McGraw Hill Module 21



● Module Launch: 45 min ● Lesson 1: 90 min ● Lesson 2: 45 min ● Lesson 3: 90 min ● Lesson 4: 45 min ● Module Close: 45 min

Module 21: Electromagnetism ● Phenomenon: What causes the Northern Lights? ● Lesson 1: Inducing Currents ● Lesson 2: Applications of Induced Currents ● Lesson 3: Electric and Magnetic Forces on Particles ● Lesson 4: Electric and Magnetic Fields in Space ● Module Wrap Up



● Students will explore how changing magnetic felds induce currents and how generators work. This will lead them to understand signifcant changes in Earth’s magnetic feld can induce currents in wires, pipes, and even train tracks ● Students will explore Lenz’s Law, eddy currents, self-inductance, and transformers. This will lead them to understand that induced currents generate magnetic felds that oppose the original change in magnetic feld that induced the current Thomson’s experiments with cathode ray tubes and mass spectrometers, both of which demonstrate how charged particles behave in electric and magnetic felds. This will lead them to understand that the charged particles from the solar wind are affected by ● Students will explore

Standard PHYS.3.2 Plan and conduct an investigation to provide evidence that an electric current causes a magnetic feld and that a changing magnetic feld causes an electric current. Emphasize the qualitative relationship between electricity and magnetism without necessarily conducting quantitative analysis. Examples could include electromagnets or generators. (PS2.C)

Standard PHYS.3.3 Analyze and interpret data to compare the effect of changes in position of interacting objects on electric and gravitational forces and energy. Emphasize the similarities and differences between charged particles in electric felds and masses in gravitational felds. Examples could include models, simulations, or experiments that produce data or illustrate feld lines between objects. (PS3.C)

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