Physics Instructional Guide
Quarter 4
McGraw Hill Module 20
● Module Launch: 45 min ● Lesson 1: 45 min ● Lesson 2: 90 min ● Module Close: 45 min
Module 20: Magnetism ● Phenomenon: What makes the electromagnet stronger than a typical refrigerator magnet?
● Lesson 1: Understanding Magnetism ● Lesson 2: Applying Magnetic Forces ● Module Wrap Up
● Students will explore the properties of magnets,
Standard PHYS.3.2 Plan and conduct an investigation to provide evidence that an electric current causes a magnetic feld and that a changing magnetic feld causes an electric current. Emphasize the qualitative relationship between electricity and magnetism without necessarily conducting quantitative analysis. Examples could include electromagnets or generators. (PS2.C)
magnetic domains, magnetic felds, and electromagnets. This will lead them to understand refrigerator magnets are made of magnetized iron that contains magnetic domains, while electromagnets use electric currents to produce magnetic felds. moving charged particles, as well as related applications, such as galvanometers and motors. This will lead them to understand that magnetic felds affect not just magnets and magnetic materials but moving charge particles as well. effects of magnetic forces on current-carrying wires and
● Students will explore the
SKILLS (Verbs)
● Magnetism ● Magnetic forces
● Asking questions ● Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information ● Developing and using models
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