Physics Instructional Guide
Quarter 3
McGraw Hill Module 15
● Module Launch: 45 Min ● Lesson 1: 90 Min ● Lesson 2: 90 Min ● Module Wrap-Up: 45 Min
Module 15: Fundamentals of Light ● Phenomenon: What does the light from a distant star or supernova tell us about it? ● Lesson 1: Illumination ● Lesson 2: The Wave Nature of Light ● Module Wrap-Up
● Students will explore the ray model of how light travels, illumination, and the speed of light. THis will lead them to understand how light travels from distant stars to Earth and how long that journey takes ● Students will explore how the wave nature of light explains diffraction, color, polarization, and the doppler shift of light. This will lead them to understand that the doppler shift can be used to tell us how distant astronomical objects are moving ● Asking Questions ● Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information ● Engaging from Argument from Evidence ● Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking ● Developing and Using Models
Standard PHYS.4.2 Engage in argument based on evidence that electromagnetic radiation can be described either by a wave model or a particle model, and that for some situations one model better explains interactions within a system than the other. Emphasize how the experimental evidence supports the claim and how models and explanations are modifed in light of new evidence. Examples could include resonance, interference, diffraction, or the photoelectric effect. (PS4.A, PS4.B)
SKILLS (Verbs)
● Wave model of Light ● Diffraction ● Polarization ● Interference ● Doppler Shift
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