PE Playworks Kindergarten

PE/Playworks Brain Booster Lesson 26: K


Physical Activity & Wellness

Games and Activities

Shipwreck and Pledge Posters

I can… K: Talk about my favorite physical activities with others.

Materials/ Space Needed HomeBase Large rectangle shape (Basketball court) Butcher Paper (1 poster per group or class) Markers (1 set per group) Vocabulary Physical Activity: Any movement involving our bodies. We get lots of physical activity in PE and at recess!


Begin class with a warm up procedure: ● Prepare students with daily expectations before entering the gym OR on Home Base. ● Warm up procedure may include several laps around the gym, stretching routine, or another quick, movement based activity. ● Back at Home Base, review rules/expectations of the school and

PE/Playworks with explicit examples when appropriate. ● Review any other specifc reminders needed for the day.

Before releasing students for the frst game, use a Sequence Touch to get them to the location you need them to be for the frst activity.


Show How How to Play:

● Explain to the students that you are now a captain and that they are all pirates on a ship (the boundary). ● As a captain, you will be calling out commands that they must follow: ○ Roll Call: Students will line up along the sideline, salute you and yell “Aye, aye captain!” ○ Swab the Deck: Students will spread out across the “ship”, pretending to mop, sweep and clean, singing “Swab, swab, swab the deck!” ○ Pirates: Students freeze, doing their best impression of a pirate

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