PE Playworks Kindergarten
○ Arms ● No matter the locomotor skill (walking, galloping, leaping, etc.), review how students can move safely.
Return to Home Base and ask the following: ● Check your pulse…what is your heart doing? ● What does our heart do when we exercise?
Prepare students for the next activity.
Review Basketball Game
Show How How to Play
● Determine the skill(s) to teach or review and choose a game to support developing those skills:
○ Recycle Ball: Passing and shooting ○ Hot Spots: Passing and shooting ○ Dribble Relay: Dribbling ○ Wolves and Bunnies: Passing ○ Partner Passing/Dribble Relay
Practice andPlay
Teach or review the skill needed to participate in the activity: ● Choose to teach/review:
○ Dribbling: Controlled single-hand bounces standing still ○ Passing: Partner passing focused on types of passes(chest and bounce) and catching the ball ○ Shooting: Shooting the ball into a target/goal
Ask the following: ● What skills did you practice during this game? ● What was challenging about the activity?
Transition back to Home Base or line up.
Review Review I can… statements
Final Debrief: ● Why is physical activity good for us? ● What will you play during recess?
End class with Closing Procedure.
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