PE Playworks Kindergarten

new round as the next taggers.

Practice andPlay

Review safe tagging ● Taggers must always use “butterfy fngers”, which are soft, futtering fngers that only tag on U.S.A. ○ Upper back ○ Shoulders ○ Arms Review the consequences ● If a student jumps lines, moves past a barrier, or goes out of bounds, they must sit down as a barrier. Add a “medic” who can tag students who are barriers to get them back in the game. Once they are tagged, they must sit down themselves.


Return to Home Base and ask the following: ● How did we play safely during that game? ● Where can we play this game during recess?

Prepare students for the next activity.

Hand-Eye Coordination Practice

Show How How to Play

● Students will each get a ball (or pairs) and spread out across the gym. ● On your “Go Word”, students will toss a ball above their head(several feet) and let the ball bounce once. They should catch it after one bounce. If they are in pairs, yell “switch” so they take turns. ● Higher skills (use stations if necessary): ○ Toss the ball and clap and catch the ball. If the catch was successful, add another clap before catching the ball. ○ Toss the ball in the air and spin 360 degrees and catch it. ○ Pass against a wall and catch the rebound. ● Modifcation: ○ Switch up equipment: ■ Scarves ■ Yarnballs ■ Balloons/beach balls Review how to safely toss and catch a ball and what a dribble is ● Students will spread their fngers out, trying to contact the ball with just their fngertips. ● With their knees slightly bent, students will push the ball into the ground, letting it bounce back up to the height of their waist and push on the ball again. ● If there are partners, make sure to use your “Go Word” to stop and switch them for equal turns.

Practice andPlay

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