PE Playworks Kindergarten
PE/Playworks Brain Booster Lesson8: K
Intro to PE and Recess
Games and Activities
Run If and Single Jump Rope
I can… K: Jump at least one time over a jump rope.
Materials/ Space Needed
Home Base (Baseline, Sideline or Circle with paint or cones to mark boundary) Large rectangle shape (Basketball court) Short Jump Ropes (1 per student or per pair)
Vocabulary Jump: To leap into the air. I jumped over the jump rope two times!
Begin class with a warm up procedure: ● Prepare students with daily expectations before entering the gym OR on Home Base. ● Warm up procedure may include several laps around the gym, stretching routine, or another quick, movement based activity. ● Back at Home Base, review rules/expectations of the school and
PE/Playworks with explicit examples when appropriate. ● Review any other specifc reminders needed for the day.
Before releasing students for the frst game, use a Sequence Touch to get them to the location you need them to be for the frst activity.
Run If
Show How How to Play:
● The game will be played inside the large rectangle (basketball court). ● Starting on the endline, students will listen for your identifer for them to run. ● You will say “Run if…” and add anything that aligns with them. ○ …you have shoe laces. ○ …you are wearing the color blue. ○ …you like apples! ● Students will run safely to the other end line and wait until all of their classmates have joined them. Once all the students are at the other endline, you will turn around and begin again.
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