PE Playworks Kindergarten
Red Light, Green Light
Show How How to Play:
● Review boundaries where students will be able to move inside. ● Students will begin on one endline, while you will stand either at half-court or on the other end line, facing your students. ● The object of the game is to reach you at the other endline. ● When you say “Green light”, everyone will move towards you. ● When you say “Red light”, everyone must immediately freeze. ● If students are still moving when you call our “Red light”, they must go back to their own endline. ● Start a new round once everyone has made it to your end line or when most players get there. Practice moving, freezing and balancing. ● Do a practice round where you only do two rounds of “Green/Red light”. Make sure students understand they must balance when they are frozen.
Practice andPlay
Return to Home Base and ask the following: ● How did you move during that game? ● How were you safe with your classmates while playing? ● Where can we play this game during recess?
Prepare students for the next activity.
Hungry Fox
Show How How to Play:
● Similar to “Red, Light, Green Light”, students will line up on the opposite endline as you. ● In this game, you will be “Hungry Fox”and your students will be bunnies. ● Each round will begin with the students calling out “What time is it, Hungry Fox?” You respond with a time of day. ● Whatever time you say, the bunnies will hop forward (two feet together) the number you called out and freeze. They will ask again “What time is it, Hungry Fox?” ● If you yell “Lunch time!”, they must run back to their end line before you tag them. Once tagged, those students will join you on your endline and they will help tag others when you say “Lunch time!” again. Review safe tagging ● Taggers must always use “butterfy fngers”, which are soft, futtering fngers that only tag on U.S.A. ○ Upper back ○ Shoulders ○ Arms ● Practice several rounds to check if students understand hopping,
Practice andPlay
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