PE Playworks Kindergarten


Show How How to Play:

● Review boundaries where students will be able to move around inside. ● Everyone begins as an egg, where students are bunched up in a ball, hopping around on their feet. ● Students match up with a partner and play Ro-Sham-Bo(RSB), also known as Rock, Paper, Scissors. ● The student who wins will evolve into a “chicken” and the less successful student will stay an egg. Each player will go fnd another student who looks like them (a chicken will play against another chicken, the egg will play another egg). ● *Modifcation: You can just teach eggs and chickens to begin with. Add the next two stages if students are successful with playing RSB and understanding the rules. ● If a student as a chicken wins, they will evolve into a dinosaur, whereas the less successful chicken will go back to being an egg. ● If a student as a dinosaur wins, they will evolve into a superhero, whereas the less successful dinosaur will go back to being a chicken. ● Students will continue playing each other as eggs, chickens, dinosaurs, and superheroes. While other stages have to play against the same stage, superheroes are able to fy around and play against anyone. If they are less successful, they remain a superhero while the other student evolves. ● Play until everyone is fying around a superhero! Practice RSB ● Review the three motions (paper, scissors, rock) and which sign beats which. ○ Paper beats rock, rock beats scissors, and scissors beats paper ● Teach “throw on bo”, so students reveal their choice at the same time. ● Have students practice against you. Have everyone freeze with their sign and go through the options. I threw paper. If you choose scissors, you win! If you chose rock, I win! If you chose paper, we tie and would goagain. ● You only need to win ONE time when playing RSB. Review stages (egg to chicken to dinosaur to superhero* ) Return to Home Base and ask the following: ● How did you move with different speeds in that game? ● How were you safe with your classmates while playing? ● Where can we play this game during recess? On your “Go Word”, have students meet you near the 4 Squares (or Cone Courts) for the next activity.

Practice andPlay


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