PE Curriculum Map High School
Invasion Games
Resources for Teaching: MS PE Resources Folder - CSD Docs
Prioritized Vocabulary
Side step Spinmove Evade
Etiquette Strategy Safe zone
Assessment Questions
1. Rank how well did your team cooperated and list 2 strategies your team used to work well together. (6.4.3) a. Rank 1-5 b. Strategies include: good communication, positive language, listening, strategizing together 2. What are the 3 aspects of the ready position? (6.1.8) Answers: knees bent, weight forward, head is up 3. Name two moves you could make to create space between you and a defender. (6.1.4) Answers: side step and spin move
4. List 2 ways you can communicate more effectively with teammates: (6.4.3)
Answers: listen, express empathy, supportive language, allow everyone a turn to talk
5. How can you apply skills from this game in your everyday life? (6.5.1)
Answers: look for themes of cooperation, teamwork, communication, problem solving, turn taking, empathy, etc.
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