PE Curriculum Map High School
Ultimate Frisbee
Resources for Teaching: MS PE Resources Folder - CSD Docs
Prioritized Vocabulary
Turnover Puppet/Alligator Catch Backhand/Crossover
Forehand throw Pivot Wind-up Release
Assessment Questions
1. You can increase your accuracy by pointing which 2 body parts toward your target? (6.1.1) fnger/wrist/hand toe/foot 2. If the frisbee is coming over your head, what type of catch would be more successful? (6.1.2) a. Alligator
b. Puppet c. Monster d. Anteater 3. A turnover happens when…..(check all that apply) (6.2.4) Frisbee is caught alligator style ✓ Frisbee hits the ground
✓ Frisbee is thrown out of bounds ✓ Teammate does not catch frisbee ✓ Opponent knocks frisbee down ✓ The marker calls “stalling” 4. You can take 4 steps with the frisbee. True or False (6.4.4) 5. Circle the areas you would move to in order to increase your chances of successfully catching the frisbee. (6.2.1 and 6.2.5) X X X X
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