PE Curriculum Map High School
Fitness for Life PE (10)
Strand 3: Components to Maintain Fitness
SKILLS (verbs)
● PA benefts in college/career productivity ● Technology and social media PA tools ● Validity of claims made by PA commercial products programs ● Perceived exertion and pacing ○ Activity readiness ● Elements of physical ftness ○ Activities that develop ● PA challenges and risk factors ○ Aging process ● Resistance training ○ Appropriate technique ● Function ftness benefts ○ Daily activities ● Strength & conditioning program ○ Opposing muscle groups ■ agonist/antagonist ○ Supports active lifestyle ● Energy systems ○ ATP-PC ○ Anaerobic/glycolysis ○ Aerobic ● Skeletal muscle and fber types ● Target heart zone ○ Pacing ○ Technology ( HR monitor, pedometer ) ○ Aerobic Intensity ● Cardiovascular endurance concepts ○ VO2max
● Discuss PA benefts ● Analyze and apply PA tech/social media ● Evaluate validity of claims ● Apply PA exertion principles ● List and Evaluate ftness activities ● Identify PA challenges ● Demonstrate resistance training technique ● Analyze daily activities ● Design and implement strength & condit. program ● Identify energy systems ● Identify muscle fber types ● Adjust heart rate ● Explain cardiovascular concepts ● Explain recovery principles ● Identify types of strength exercises ● Explain muscular endurance concepts ● Explain body composition concepts ● Describe ftness process, time, unique ● Identify genetic infuences on body type ● Identify health-risk factors ● Compare aerobic/anaerobic activities ● Defne ftness terms ● Explain role of nutrition ● Relate physiological responses ● Investigate relationships PA, nutrition, body composition ● Explain eating disorder consequences ● Create snack plan ● Develop and maintain ftness portfolio using technology ● Design and implement nutrition plan using technology ● Track progress ftness, perform nutritional analysis using technology ● Calculate blood pressure using monitor ● Design ftness program (college, career) ● Review FITT guidelines ● Identify stress-management strategies ● Describe exercise (longevity,quality of life).
○ Respiratory rate ○ Cardiac output ○ Stroke volume ○ Heart rate ● Active vs. passive recovery ○ Injury prevention ○ Rehabilitation ● Strength Exercises
○ Isometric, Isotonic, Isokinetic ○ Concentric, eccentric ○ Intervals, circuits
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