Social Studies Middle School Guide
● How did Chief Walker’s leadership, and the leadership of other American Indians, influence the reaction of American Indians to newcomers to the territory? ● What is the historical significance of the Dominguez and Escalante expedition? LEARNING INTENTIONS ● I can demonstrate understanding of complex prehistoric Native American cultures in Utah by studying artifacts. ● I can analyze the interconnections between American Indian cultures and Utah’s physical features by using primary sources and secondary sources with teacher guidance. ● I can use basic economic concepts to explore American Indian communities. ● I can explain the causes and effects of exploration of Utah using primary and secondary sources with teacher guidance. ● I can gather information on the current situation of one of Utah's sovereign nations . To be included throughout the Unit: ● I can analyze primary and secondary sources to determine the author and their claim, date, and location (if applicable) and summarize the information present. VOCABULARY
Natural resources Rendezvous
Trade Surplus Scarcity Nomadic Sovereignty
Culture Artifact Barter
7th Grade Team Drive ASSESSMENTS
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