Manufacturing Technology

● Provide students with manufactured products and have them disassemble, analyze, and document the manufacturing processes, materials, and components used. ● This exercise can help students understand the principles of manufacturing, interchangeability of parts, and product servicing.

Manufacturing Competitions and Challenges: ● Organize manufacturing competitions or challenges where students design, prototype, and manufacture products or components within specifc constraints or requirements. ● These challenges can foster teamwork, problem-solving, and the application of various manufacturing technologies and skills. ● Work with your Work-Based Learning Facilitator to establish partnerships with local manufacturers or industry professionals who can provide mentorship, guidance, and real-world insights into manufacturing technologies and processes. ● Organize virtual or in-person feld trips to manufacturing facilities or plants to observe different manufacturing systems, processes, and technologies in action.


Resources/ Suggested Lesson(s) ● Caliper Video

● Google SketchUp ● Micrometer Video

Skills: ● Creating and reading technical drawings and demonstrating profciency in measuring. ● Utilize the steps of the manufacturing process while designing and producing a product. Scaffolded Learning: ● Have students individually design and manufacture a custom wooden puzzle. Provide students with a rubric with specifc parameters. ● Have students “pitch” their custom puzzle to the class and make an argument as to why their puzzle should be mass-produced.

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