MS Theater Instructional Guide
DOK 1 Students at DOK 1 are able to name the parts of the stage, understand and use theatre terminology, know general theatre safety and theatre hierarchy, and understand the basic rules of audience etiquette. Students can recognize basic elements of major theatrical time periods. They can recognize and follow basic script formatting.
DOK 2 Students at DOK 2 will compare and contrast styles of acting. They can identify technical problems on stage. They demonstrate proper audience etiquette. Students perform in front of the class, creating a stereotypical or previously seen character (not themselves).
DOK 3 Students performing at DOK 3 will be able to complete basic character analysis and perform that character. They can perform the tasks required for a technical theatre crew and creatively solve technical problems. Students show creativity by demonstrating basic playwriting skills, and are able to direct a scene with characterization and blocking. They can perform in a short form improvisational format (e.g., scene games, line games, head to head, extraordinary), and can create an original character in scene work. DOK 4 Students performing at DOK 4 will be able to create an in-depth character analysis, including textural and historical support for choices, and perform that character. They can
It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. ~ Albert Einstein
undertake, on their own, the functions of a technical team, serving as a designer, stage manager, or crew chief. Students are able to write a script in proper format, with contextual support of historical theme, characterization, and technical direction. They can direct a one-act with script analysis, characteri zation, blocking, and technical elements to support the playwright’s intent.
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