MS Spanish Guide
Canyons School District
Instructional Supports Department
Best Practices for World Language
Teacher Moves
Student Moves
● Understand and use pro fi ciency level criteria to plan language activities and lessons.
● Know and understand end of year target pro fi ciency level ● Understand techniques that will support achievement pro fi ciency targets. ● Produce language at the appropriate level. ● Use English to ask for clari fi cation when necessary. ● Use a variety of task-oriented activities that require sole use of the target language.
Pro fi ciency Level
● Use the target language (TL) building over time: - by the end of level 1: 50-70% - level 2: 70% - level 3, 4, 5: 90-100% ● English (L1) is used to brie fl y explain and clarify as needed. ● Teachers elicit language and provide many opportunities for production at the appropriate level. ● Themes and activities represent real world situations (ie. student life & culture. ● Culture is integrated throughout each lesson/text re fl ecting its 3 dimensions: products, practices and perspectives. ● Content aligned to district scope and sequence and the Utah World Language Core Standards. ● Grammar is taught in the context of a communicative lesson, and regular feedback given to correct errors. - Explain, post and reference throughout the lesson stating what students will do with the language. - Use backward design to plan a lesson. - Language focus incorporates the three modes of communication (interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational). ● Comprehensible Input: - Build background knowledge. - Utilize actions, visuals, and realia. ● Explicit Instruction/I do-We do-You do: - Introduce new vocabulary through explicit vocabulary routine. - Use the modeling cycle providing ● Content & Language Objectives/ Learning Intentions/Success Criteria:
Language Use
● Learn relevant topics and themes that represent the real world context ● Use language to communicate in real world situations. ● Learn grammar by using it in a meaningful and communicative way ● Acquire awareness of the target language culture and understand differences between their own culture by comparing and analyzing its 3 dimensions: products, practices, and perspectives. ● Rely on actions, visual, realia and examples appropriate for their level to produce language. ● Rely on scaffolding and strategies for ● Use sentence frames to produce language. ● Speak, read, write and listen in the partner language. ● Understand and can explain the learning objective and success criteria for the lesson. ● Reference word walls, graphic organizers, concept walls. ● Know and recognize the three modes of communications when engaging in class activities. reproduction, comprehension and application to learn new materials.
Core Instructional Strategies for Language Learning
Updated 6.11.24
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