MS Spanish Guide

● Discuss activities using the language functions and features: ● vocabulary associated with the weather/climate (weather terms, clothing, activities - eg. tener calor, frío, ganas de ● transportation and geographical location ● expressions for accepting and declining invitations (Me gustaría…) ● expressions with estar, hacer, and tener ● present progressive ● combining verbs (querer + inf., tener que + inf., etc.) fi les/resource/WIDA-ELD-Standards-Framework-2020.pdf


● Use a variety of visuals with captions to de fi ne meaning of words and phrases. ● Use Total Physical Response to review new vocabulary. ● Pair with partners to practice conversation/group students to allow opportunity for them to practice speaking.

Model the conversation, and provide sentence frames or sentence starters. ● Use gestures and oral repetition of key phrases and words in multiple contexts.

● Provide opportunities for more conversation with fl uent speakers via Zoom or Google Meet. ● Interview or survey other students or bilingual individuals outside of class about a chosen topic in Spanish, then present their fi ndings to the class. ● Provide more complex text in Spanish for students to read. ● Have students record themselves speaking the language and re fl ect on their progress. ● Students can practice translating from English to Spanish in speech or writing.


*Updated 6.10.24

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