MS Music Guide
Topic 2: Music Reading & Literacy Level 1: Instrumental Music
● Standard L1.MI.CR.2: Improvise/generate and respond, with guidance, to simple melodic ideas and phrases. ● Standard L1.MI.CR.3: Develop aural skills. ● Standard L1.MI.CR.4: With guidance, develop, organize, and notate rhythmic and melodic ideas and phrases with increasing complexity. ● Standard L1.MI.CR.5: Evaluate and refne musical ideas, applying teacher-provided criteria and, with guidance, using selected elements of music. ● Standard L1.MI.P.4: Produce an appropriate tone over a moderate range of the instrument, using correct posture and physical connection to the instrument. ● Standard L1.MI.P.5: Demonstrate fuency in the following technical performance skills: ○ Basic major scales ○ Chromatic scale with limited range ○ Articulation ○ Dynamics ○ Rhythmic accuracy ○ Note accuracy ○ Ensemble listening ○ Tuning ○ Targeted practice techniques ○ Balance/Blend ○ Rudimentary ear training ● Standard L1.MI.R.3: Identify and describe, with guidance, the musical and structural elements that contribute to a quality musical work.
-Outstanding accuracy. -Correct pulse/meter/notes used throughout the performance. -Demonstration of aural skills. -Demonstrate ability to refne/improvise phrases or musical ideas.
Writing, Inquiry, Speaking, Listening, Reading, Viewing
Rhythm Pulse/Beat Staff Music Symbols Correct fnger and hand
Dynamics: Forte, piano, crescendo, diminuendo Rhythm Note & Rest Values: whole, half, quarter, eighth, sixteenth
Feel the pulse/steady beat. Correctly count rhythmic symbols in standard notation. Identify and defne all relevant parts of students' selected staff.
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