MS Music Guide
polishing a prepared piece. Accurately and honestly evaluate the quality of personal performance.
Learning Intention: I can sing while meeting all performance expectations (listed above). Success Criteria : I know I’ll have it when, ● I demonstrate a variety of vocal warm-up procedures and correlate them with their purposes. ● I demonstrate good posture, breath control, articulation, enunciation, and vowel production. ● I sing a large and varied repertoire of vocal literature, including some songs performed from memory. ● I demonstrate knowledge of proper care of the voice. ● I sing with a clear and resonant tone quality that blends with the ensemble. ● I sing an appropriate part in an ensemble with proper attention to correct notes, intonation, articulation, phrasing, and expression, including dynamic levels, and tempo. ● I follow the conductor while maintaining proper tempo, balance, blend, and style. ● I sing music scored for a variety of voicings, unison through multiple parts. ● I demonstrate requirements for an ensemble singer, including proper rehearsal and concert behavior, part preparation, and responsibility to the section. ● Rehearse warmups and vocal literature in class with correct posture, tone, and expression. ● Listen to, analyze and describe how the elements of music are used in a given work to make it unique, interesting, and expressive. ● Rehearse vocal literature with proper interpretation to pitches, rhythms, and other notational symbols. ● Perform music with demonstration to concert etiquette, resonant tone, and musical expression. EXAMPLE LESSONS, ASSESSMENTS, and OTHER RESOURCES NAfME Article: What Strategies Are You Implementing to Ensure the Success of Your Upcoming Performances? Example Lesson: Task Ideas Video: How to Improve Articulation and Diction LEARNING PROGRESSION EXAMPLE:
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