MS Music Guide
Topic 3: Technique Level 1: Vocal Music
Level 1 STANDARDS: ● Standard L1.MC.P.3: Sing with an appropriate tone over an appropriate range with consideration of the following skills in combination: a. Vowels and diction - b. Intonation - c. Placement - d. Correct breathing and singing posture - e. Vocal physiology and vocal care - f. Flow phonation ● Standard L1.MC.P.6: Demonstrate productive rehearsal habits, both as an individual and as an ensemble member. ● Standard L1.MC.R.4: Identify and describe, with guidance, the technical and musical skills evident in a quality performance. PERFORMANCE EXPECTATIONS: -Habitually correct posture, breathing, support, balanced onsets and releases. -Diction is clear throughout. -Identify and describe the technical and musical skills that contribute to a quality performance. -Describe vocal physiology and function.
Writing, Inquiry, Speaking, Listening, Reading, Viewing CONCEPTS: VOCABULARY:
-Diaphragmatic breathing & phonation process -Space and shape of vowels -Vowel modifcations -Registers and resonating chambers -Connections between vowel, placement, & intonation -Flow Phonation -Vocal health considerations
-Physiology (larynx, vocal folds, vocal tract, soft palate, resonating chambers, lungs, diaphragm, intercostal muscles, abdominal muscles, skeletal structure, occipital joint, etc.) -Vowels, di/triphthong, consonants, voiced, unvoiced -Register, head, chest, mix, falsetto, dark, bright, chiaroscuro, heavy, light -Onset, release, appoggio, glottal stroke
-Describe vocal physiology & function -Balanced posture -Relaxed inhalation -Clear and beautiful vowels & diction -Balanced & supported singing in a variety of ranges and placements -Evaluate & suggest improvements
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