MS Music Guide
Topic 1: Tone Quality Level 1: Vocal Music
● Standard L1:MC.CR.4: Develop aural skills. ● Standard L1:MC.P.3: Sing with an appropriate tone over an appropriate range with consideration of the following skills in combination: a) vowels & diction; b) intonation; c) placement; d) correct breathing and singing posture; e) vocal physiology and vocal care; f) fow phonation ● Standard L1.MC.P.4: Demonstrate technical performance skills by singing correct pitches and rhythms in skill appropriate literature. ● Standard L1.MC.P.6: Demonstrate productive rehearsal habits, both as an individual and an ensemble member. ● Standard L1.MC.P.7: Perform an artistic work with technical accuracy, responding appropriately to the conductor and using musical elements to express ideas and emotions ● Standard L1.MC.R.1: Respond to a musical performance by identifying the musical elements within a piece and in a given context, discuss their effect on both listener and performer, and exhibit appropriate performance demeanor and audience concert etiquette. ● Standard L1.MC.R.5: Judge and improve the quality of student’s own musical performance using self-assessment. ● Standard L1.MC.CO.2: Self-assess and document personal growth as a musician.
- Open, resonant, stylistically appropriate tone in all registers and ranges. - Round, well-matched vowels. - Ability to identify different tone qualities. - Self-assess and improve technique.
Speaking, Listening
Classical singing techniques related to: Posture Breathing Resonance Vowel Shape
Clarity Warmth Openness/Space 5 Latin/Pure Vowels Weight
Resonance Diphthong/Triphthong Vowel Modifcation
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