MS Music Guide
Topic 5: Intonation & Balance/Blend Level 1: Instrumental Music Level 1 STANDARDS: ● Standard L1.MI.P.3: With guidance, make appropriate interpretive musical decisions as a soloist/ensemble. ● Standard L1.MI.P.4: Produce an appropriate tone over a moderate range of the instrument, using correct posture and physical connection to the instrument. ● Standard L1.MI.P.6: Demonstrate notational literacy, including sight-reading. ● Standard L1.MI.P.8: Watch and respond appropriately to the conductor and perform with technical accuracy, utilizing appropriate phrasing, dynamics, style, tempo, balance and blend to express ideas and emotions. PERFORMANCE EXPECTATIONS: -Accurate intonation in all ranges and registers. -Pitch adjustments are made consistently. -Tone qualities are matched and dynamics appropriately observed within the section as well as ensemble.
Inquiry, Speaking, Listening, Writing CONCEPTS:
Likeness of tone qualities within section Likeness of tone qualities with similar sections, Awareness of ensemble style and dynamic approach Intonation within Section Intonation within Choir Intonation across Group
Balance Blend Section Instrument Choir Just Intonation Equal Temperament
Matching Tone Ensemble Awareness Pitch Accuracy Adjustments
Learning Intention: I am learning to play my instrument with others in a way that my contributions are beautiful and one with my section or performing group. Success Criteria : I know I’ll have it when, ● I feel empowered to lead a group of musicians on a like instrument and can perform in unity with them in a variety of musical styles. ● I can explain frameworks of balance/blend terminology: phrasing, dynamics, style, balance, blend, contrast, melody, harmony, register, tone, tempo, emphasis, etc.
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