MS Music Guide
Learning Intention: I am learning to play my instrument with the techniques that make sound easy to accomplish and beautiful to others. Success Criteria : I know I’ll have it when, ● The physical techniques I employ are consistent in all musical contexts. ● My entrances and releases of pitches are appropriate and beautiful in a variety of styles and musical contexts. ● I can demonstrate smooth transitions in producing a good tone on my instrument. (Winds only.) ● I can coordinate my fngers and tonguing in a wide range of rhythmic and stylistic settings. (Winds only.) ● I can maintain an appropriate bow hold for my instrument when playing in a variety of styles and ranges. (Strings only.) ● I can produce a good tone in all registers using both pizzicato and arco techniques. (Strings only.) ● I can demonstrate appropriate stick/mallet stroke types in solo and ensemble performances for my assigned instruments. (Percussion only.) ● Any mechanical techniques for what I have learned are consistent in a range of tempi and clear throughout (Percussion only.) ● Follow conductor’s directions, applying them to the repertoire (marking in, demonstrating the requested style suggestions) ● Determine one’s own technical markings and/or mechanical mistakes; use and apply them for repertoire in rehearsal and performance ● Discuss the merits of various technical approaches ● Practice any mechanical execution in Cognitive, Associative, and Autonomous scaffolds EXAMPLE LESSONS, ASSESSMENTS, and OTHER RESOURCES NAfME Article: Elements of Alexander Technique: Discovering a Natural Approach to String Playing NAfME Article: Teaching Breath Support - Band Directors Talk Shop Rubric: UHSAA Large Instrumental Ensemble Rubric LEARNING PROGRESSION EXAMPLE:
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