MS Math SPED Resource Map
Statistics and P robability
Cor e Guide
Grad e 7
Investigat e chanc e process es an d d evelop, use, an d e valuat e probability mo dels ( 7.SP.5-8) Standard 7 .SP.8 : Fin d p robabilities o f c ompoun d ev ents us ing o rganiz ed li sts , t ables , t ree di agrams , and simulation..
Concepts and S kills t o M aster • Fin d the s ampl e spac e of a c ompoun d ev ent. • Us e organiz ed li sts , t ables , t ree di agrams , and s imulations t o f in d the pr obabilit y of a c ompound event. • Desig n an d us e a simulatio n (using a random number tabl e, calculator , dic e, cards , or other manipulatives) to generat e frequencies of compound events. • Represent the pr obabilit y of a c ompoun d ev ent as a f ractio n, d ecimal , o r per cent. Relat ed S tandards: C urrent C ourse Relat ed S tandards: F utur e Courses 7.RP.1 , 7.RP.2 , 7.RP.3 , 7.NS.2d , 7.EE.3 , 7.SP.5 , 7.SP.6 , 7.SP.7 8.SP.4 , II.S.ID.5 , II.S.CP.1 , II.S.CP.4, II.S.CP.6 , III.S.IC.4 , III.S.IC.6 , AP S tatistics d. Represent sampl e spac es for compound events using methods suc h as organized lists , tables an d tree diagrams . For an event describ ed in e ver yday la nguag e (e.g ., “ rolling do ub le s ixes”) , id entif y the o utcom es in the s ampl e spac e whic h c ompos e t he e vent. e. Desig n an d us e a simulatio n to generat e frequencies for compoun d events . Fo r example , use random digit s a s a simulation too l to approximat e t h e a nsw er t o t he q uestion: If 4 0% o f d onor s h av e t yp e A b lood , w hat is t h e p robability t hat it w il l t a ke a t lea st 4 d onors to f ind o n e w ith t yp e A b lood? c. Understan d that , j ust as w it h s impl e events , the pr obabilit y of a c ompoun d ev ent is the f ractio n o f o utcom es in the s ampl e spac e for whic h the c ompoun d ev ent o ccurs.
Suppor t f or Teachers Critical Bac kgroun d Kno wledge
• Comput e t he probabilit y of a s impl e event ( 7.SP.7) • Us e lists and t ables t o o rganiz e dat a ( 7.SP.7) • Us e proportiona l relationships t o s o lve multi-st ep per cent pr oblems ( 7.RP.3) Academic Voc abulary Simpl e event , c ompoun d ev ents , t ree di agram , s imulatio n, s ampl e space Resources Curriculum R esources:
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