MS Math SPED Resource Map
Statistics and P robability
Cor e Guide
Grad e 7
Investigat e chanc e process es an d d evelop, use, an d e valuat e probability mo dels ( 7.SP.5-8) Standard 7.SP.7 : Develo p a probabilit y model an d us e it to fin d probabilities of events . Compar e probabilities from a model to observed frequencies; if the ag reement is no t g oo d, expl ai n p ossibl e sourc es o f the di screpancy. a. Develo p a u niform pr obabilit y mo del by as signing e qual probabilit y t o all o utcom es, a nd u s e t he model t o det ermin e probabilities o f events . For exampl e, if a student is select ed at random f rom a class, find t he probabilit y that Jan e will be select ed and the probability that a g ir l w il l be selected. b. Develo p a probabilit y model (whic h m ay not be uniform) by observing frequencies in dat a generat ed from a chanc e process . Fo r example , find th e approximat e probability that a spinning penny wil l land head s up o r that a tossed pap er cup wil l land open-end down . Do t h e o utcomes f o r t h e sp inning penny a ppea r to b e eq ually li kely b ased o n t h e observed f requencies? Concepts and S kills t o M aster • Develo p a probabilit y model (e.g . organiz ed list or tab le showing t he potentia l outcom es of an experiment or random process wit h their corresponding pr obabilities) in whic h all o utcom es a r e equal ly likely ( uniform). • Us e observe d f requencies t o c reat e a pr obabilit y mo del for the da t a g enerat ed f rom a c hanc e process. • Us e probabilit y mo dels t o f in d p robabilities o f e vents. • Compar e probabilit y mo dels. • Fin d the pr obabilit y of a ( simple) e vent as a f ractio n, d ecimal , o r per cent. Relat ed S tandards: C urrent C ourse Relat ed S tandards: F utur e Courses 7.RP.1, 7.RP.2 , 7.NS.2d , 7.SP.5 , 7.SP.6 , 7.SP.8 8.SP.4 , II.S.ID.5 , II.S.CP.1 , II.S.CP.4 , II.S.CP.6 , III.S.ID.4 , III.S.IC.1 , III.S.IC.4 , III.S.IC.6, AP S tatistics
Suppor t f or Teachers Critical Bac kgroun d Kno wledge • Evaluat e t he pr obabilit y of a c hanc e event ( 7.SP.5 - 6) Academic Voc abulary Probabilit y mo del , un iform p robabilit y, dis crepanc y, sa mpl e spac e, event Resources Curriculum R esources:
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