MS Math SPED Resource Map

Statistics and P robability

Cor e Guide

Grad e 7

Investigat e chanc e process es an d d evelop, use, an d e valuat e probability mo dels ( 7.SP.5-8) Standard 7.SP.6 : Approximat e t he probabilit y of a chanc e event by collecting dat a o n t he chanc e process that produc es it an d observing its long-run relat ive frequenc y, an d predict t he approximat e relat ive frequenc y g iven t he probabilit y. Fo r example , w hen rolling a n umb er cube 600 times, p redict t hat a 3 or 6 w ould b e ro lled r oughly 2 00 times, b ut p robably n ot exa ctly 2 00 t imes. Concepts and S kills t o M aster • Perform an expe riment and c ollect data on a c hanc e event. • Us e t he lo ng-run r elat ive frequenc y of an expe riment t o approximat e t he pr obabilit y of the e vent. • G iven the pr obabilit y of an ev ent , e stimat e t he lo ng-run r elat ive frequenc y of the e vent. Relat ed S tandards: C urrent C ourse Relat ed S tandards: F utur e Courses 7.RP.1 , 7.RP.2 , 7.NS.2d , 7.SP.5 , 7.SP.7 , 7.SP.8 8.SP.4 , II.S.ID.5 , II.S.CP.1 , II.S.CP.4 , II.S.CP.6 , III.S.ID.4 , III.S.IC.4 , III.S.IC.6 , A P S tatistics

Suppor t f or Teachers Critical Bac kgroun d Kno wledge • Summariz e numerical data s ets by r eporting the nu mber of o bservations . ( 6.SP.5) • Understan d the pr obabilit y of a c hanc e event as a nu mber bet wee n 0 and 1 t hat e xpress es likelihood. (7.SP.5) Academic Voc abulary Probabilit y, e vent , c hanc e event , li kelihoo d, o utcome Resources Curriculum R esources:


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