MS Math SPED Resource Map
Statistics and P robability
Cor e Guide
Grad e 7
Draw in formal c omparative in ferenc es a bout two po pulations ( 7.SP.3-4) Standard 7 .SP.4 : Us e measur es o f c enter and meas ur es o f v ariabilit y f or nu merical data f rom r andom s amples t o dr aw in formal c omparative inferenc es about two populations . Fo r example , decid e w heth er the word s in a chapt er o f a seventh grad e scienc e boo k are generally longer than th e w ord s i n a c hapt er of a f ourth g rad e sc ienc e b ook. Concepts and S kills t o M aster • M ake in formal c omparat ive inferenc es f rom r andom s ampl es a bout t wo po pulations us ing meas ur es o f c enter and v ariability. Relat ed S tandards: Current C ourse Relat ed S tandards: F utur e Courses 7.SP.1 , 7.SP.3 , 7.SP.4 I.S.ID.1 , I.S.ID.2 , III.S.ID.4 , III.S.IC.6 , A P S tatistics
Suppor t f or Teachers Critical Bac kgroun d Kno wledge
• Summariz e an d describ e dat a distributio n in terms of their center (median , mean) an d sprea d (interquartil e rang e, m ean absolute deviation) ( 6.SP.1-5) • Draw in ferenc es a bout a s ing le po pulatio n t hroug h r andom s ampling ( 7.SP.1-2) • Compar e distributions o f t wo s ampl es ( 7.SP.3)
Academic Voc abulary Inferenc e, variabilit y, mean, m edia n, i nterquartil e rang e, m ean ab solut e deviation Resources Curriculum R esources:
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