MS French Guide
5. ask questions to gain new information 6. exchange information with other people about what to do, where to go and when to meet 7. tell what happens at a particular kind of event (birthday party, sports event) 8. tell how to do something (ex. play a game, make food, solve a math problem) 9. give simple directions to a location 10. tell about something learned at school or in the community
5. write about self 6. write about something learned at school or in the community 7. write questions to obtain information
LANGUAGE & INTERCULTURAL END OF UNIT COMPETENCIES Interpretive Listening Interpretive Reading Interpersonal Communication
Presentational Speaking I can present basic information language I have practiced using phrases and simple sentences. on familiar topics using
Presentational Writing I can write short messages and notes on familiar topics re;ated to everyday life.
I can recognize pieces of information and sometimes understand the main topic of what is being said.
I can recognize a few characters. I can sometimes understand the main idea of what I have read.
I can communicate and exchange information about familiar topics using phrases and simple sentences, sometimes supported by memorized language. I can usually handle short social interactions by askingand answering simple questions.
Products and Practices
Cultural Perspectives
Cultural Interaction
I can function at a survival level in an authentic cultural context.
I can identify some products and practices of cultures
I can identify some basic cultural beliefs and values.
END OF UNIT COMPETENCY WITH LANGUAGE EXPECTATIONS ● Getting around: asking for and giving directions ● Making plans ● -oir verbs (voir, croire, recevoir, apercevoir)
● negatives expressions (ne…aucun, ne…jamais, ne…ni…ni, ne… personne, ne… plus, ne …que, ne...rien) ● Future (regular and irregular verbs ie: je mangerai, il ira )
● Use a variety of visuals with to defne meaning of words and phrases (ie. pictures
Skill Building
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