MS Chinese Guide
DIFFERENTIATION IN ACTION ● Tell what foods are traditional at the Chinese New Year ● Ask and answer simple questions what you like to eat ● Ask and answer simple questions to obtain/share food ● Ask/answer simple questions about food preferences including naming favorite foods ● Name of two or three favorite Chinese dishes ● Understand and interpret messages and announcements about food ( a list of available foods, read labels on the food pyramid, identify basic food groups from items on a Chinese menu, interpret information in a television ad for restaurant or food product) ● Choose foods from among alternatives (eg. order from a menu, make a grocery list from a newspaper ad) ● Read short grocery list with visual support ● Give/take food order in a Chinese restaurant Purposeful communication: Tell and ask questions using the following terms and language functions and features: ● I can ask and answer simple questions about what you like to eat. ( 饭,肉,豆类,蔬菜,水 果,汤 ) ● I can express preferences for different foods. ( 汉堡,比萨饼,三明治,面包,米饭,饺子 .... ) ● I can order at a restaurant and pay for the meal. ● I can identify basic food groups from items on a Chinese menu. ● I can read a short grocery list. ● I can engage in conversation about healthy food. -ELD-Standards-Framework-2020.pdf Skill Building
Write short grocery list
● Describe similarities/differences between what people eat (eg. make an advertisement for a restaurant, grocery store or food product, report on similarities and difference in diets of people in different locations, countries or parts of China)
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