MS Admin Guide
Canyons School District
Instructional Supports Department
Possible Products
Possible Activities
● Timeline ● Number line ● Graphic organizer ● Science logs ● Concept Maps ● Storyboards
● Write a summary ● Explain a series of steps used to fnd a solution ● Sequence of events using a graphic organizer ● Explain the meaning of a concept using words, objects and/or visuals ● Complex calculations involving decision points ● Conduct, collect and organize data
Potential Questions What other way could you solve/fnd out _____? What is your prediction and why? How would you organize _____ to show ____?
What facts are relevant to show_____? How or why would we use _____? What examples or non-examples can we fnd?
DOK Level 3: Strategic Thinking and Reasoning Stating reasons and providing relevant supporting evidence are key markers of DOK tasks. The expectation established for tasks at this level requires an in-depth integration of conceptual knowledge and multiple skills to reach a solution or produce a fnal product. DOK 3 tasks focus on in-depth understanding of one text, one data set, one investigation, or one key source. Teacher Role Student Role
Questions to prove reasoning and underlying thinking, asks open-ended questions, acts as a resource and coach, provides criteria and examples for making judgements and supporting claims. Encourages multiple approaches and solutions and determines when in depth exploration is appropriate. ● Complex graph ● Analyze survey results ● Multiple paragraph essay or short story ● Fact-based argument ● Chart and draw conclusions about data sets ● outline ● Investigate ● Conclude ● Generalize from a set of evidence or data Possible Products
Uncovers and selects relevant and credible supporting evidence for analysts, critiques, debates, claims and judgements, plans, initiates questions disputes, argues, tests ideas/solutions, sustains inquiry into topics or deeper problems, applies to the real world
Possible Activities
● Use a Venn Diagram that shows how two topics are the same/different ● Design a questionnaire to gather information ● Survey classmates/industry members to fnd out what they think about a particular topic ● Make a fow chart to show critical stages ● Prepare a report about an area of study ● write a letter to the editor after evaluation of product
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