MS Admin Guide
Canyons School District
Instructional Supports Department
Morning Meeting Building a positive classroom climate in a circle structure
Morning Meeting is a structured part of the morning in which students and teachers are “intentionally provided practice the skills of greeting, listening and responding, group problem-solving, and noticing and anticipating.” 1 The purpose of Morning Meeting is to help build a positive and welcoming classroom climate, give a space for students to practice skills to encourage student wellness, and facilitate relationship building in the classroom. Morning Meeting is a proactive circle structure that fits under the umbrella of Restorative Practices. It occurs at the beginning of the day, though reasonable exceptions can be made. There are 4 components to Morning Meeting, see chart below for details: ● Greeting ● Sharing ● Group Activity ● Message
Critical Actions for Educators: ● When beginning Morning Meeting procedures with your class, do components of Greeting and Message first, then add in Group Activity and Sharing as routines become quicker and students are more comfortable. ● Start with low risk activities and topics when beginning Morning Meeting procedures or at beginning of the school year.
#1- Greeting: Students and teachers greet each other by name and practice offering hospitality.
Tips: Be inclusive (include all adults and visitors), all students involved in greeting; think through how to warmly greet and welcome latecomers. #2- Sharing: Students share information about important events in their lives. Listeners offer empathic comments or ask clarifying questions. Tips: Make sure students can be heard and stay on topic; help students to be respectful and patient as others are sharing; make sure students speak independently (avoid voice-overs). #3- Group Activity: Everyone participates in a brief, lively activity that fosters group cohesion and helps students practice social/emotional and academic skills. Tips: Ensure that activities are cooperative in nature; make sure students engage in respectful behavior during activity; work on transitioning in and out of activity. #4- Message: Students read and interact with a short message written by their teacher. The message is crafted to help students focus on a targeted topic at school that day, whether social/emotional or academic in nature. Tips: Plan for and write the message beforehand; ensure message is well-displayed and easily accessible; student interactions are centered around the message. 1 Kriete, R. & Davis, C. (2014). The Morning Meeting Book, 3rd edition (p. 3). Turners Falls, MA: Center for Responsive Schools.
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