MS Admin Guide
Canyons School District
Instructional Supports Department
RESTORATIVE PRACTICES Ways to build community within our school
“Restorative practices are ways of pro-actively developing relationships and community, as well as repairing community when harm is done. After conflict or harm, restorative practices provide a way of thinking about, talking about, and responding to issues and problems.” (Chicago Public Schools, 2017) . Restorative practices are a focus of Canyons School District, which will allow “all ensure that every student feels connected, safe, and empowered to solve problems within a school community.” (Canyons Board of Education, 2019) . Restorative practices, when consistently implemented, will promote and strengthen positive school culture and enhance pro-social relationships within the school community. It includes interventions when harm has occurred, as well as practices that help to prevent harm and conflict by building a sense of belonging, safety, and shared social responsibility throughout the school community. These practices are listed in the graphic below. For more specific information on a practice in Building/Sustaining Relationships and Community, click on the practice in the graphic, which will take you to the corresponding page in the curriculum map.
Relationship Based Principles and Values
Building/ Sustaining Relationships/Community (all staff involved)
Restoring Relationship
& Community
(administration involved)
Relationship & Connection Activities
Restorative Dialogue Responsive Circles Repairing Harm Circles Formal Conferencing Re-entry Conferences
Listening Skills
Affective Statements
Proactive Circles
Inclusive Decision Making
Adapted from SFUSD (2011) & Santa Rosa City Schools (2016)
Materials on Restorative Practices developed for Canyons School District by Kerri Berkowitz from the Center for Relational Practices, 2019-2020. Restorative Practices Guide and Toolkit , Chicago Public Schools, 2017.
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