MS Admin Guide
Canyons School District
Instructional Supports Department
Effect SIze N/A
Implementation Tools
Critical Actions for Educators ------------------------------ ● Give polite, effective requests following the protocol. ● Use preplanned, unpleasant consequences. ● Stay calm. ● Make sure to use appropriate wait time.
Teacher requests are an important everyday tool for behavior management. The precision request serves to communicate with the student in a concise, predictable, respectful manner that preserves adult authority and increases the likelihood of student compliance (Jenson, 2001). In preparation for using precision requests in the classroom, the teacher: 1. Selects a hierarchy of appropriate consequences for student non-compliance (loss of free time, phone call to parent, loss of points or token, restriction of activities, etc.). 2. Creates a menu with students of positive reinforcers to celebrate student compliance and corrective consequences for noncompliance. 3. Explicitly teaches students the precision request routine. 4. Posts both positive and corrective consequences (e.g. What If Chart) in the classroom and/or Canvas course at the beginning of the school year, with periodic reviews as needed. Precision Request Protocol: ● Teacher makes frst request using the student’s name, then “please,” and followed with the goal behavior. ● Teacher waits 5-10 seconds for the student to comply. ● If the student cooperates, the teacher provides specifc praise. ● If the student does not comply, the teacher repeats the request using the student’s name, followed with “I need you to . . .” ● Teacher waits 5-10 seconds for the student to comply. ● If the student cooperates, the teacher provides specifc praise. ● If the student does not comply, the teacher delivers a pre-determined consequence from the What If Chart.
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