Kindergarten Instructional Guide

I-CANyons Report Card Standards Kindergarten Math Counting and Cardinality • Count to 100 by ones and tens K.CC.1&2 • Represent and write numbers from 0-20 K.CC.3 • Count to tell the number of objects K.CC.4&5 • Compare numbers between 1 and 10 K.CC.6&7 Operations and Algebraic Thinking • Understand addition with objects, drawings, and equations K.OA.1&3 • Understand subtraction with objects, drawings, and equations K.OA.1&3 • Solve addition and subtraction word problems using objects and drawings K.OA.2 • Combine two numbers to make 10 K.OA.4 • Fluently add within 5 K.OA.5 • Fluently subtract within 5 K.OA.5 Numbers and Operations Base Ten • Make or break apart numbers from 11-19 into tens and ones K.NBT.1 Measurement and Data • Describe and compare characteristics of objects K.MD.1&2 • Classify, count, and sort objects into categories K.MD.3

Geometry • Name shapes and identify its position K.G.1&2 • Identify and compare 2D and 3D shapesK.G.3&4 • Build and draw shapes K.G.5&6

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