Kindergarten Instructional Guide

Ask questions sparingly. _ Relate questions directly to what the Student is doing. _ Ask questions about the student’s thought process.

Teachers encourage student problem solving. _ Look for students involved in problem situations. _ Allow students to deal with problems and conflicting viewpoints. _ Sit down with students. _ Give students time to use their own problem-solving skills. _ Listen to conflicting viewpoints. _ Interact with rather than manage students. _ Elicit, listen to, and acknowledge student descriptions of problems. _ Encourage students to talk to one another about the situation they are experiencing. _ Interpret for less articulate students when necessary. _ Help students generate solutions.

Teachers bring work time to an end. _ Encourage problem solving. _ Play put-away music. _ Maintain realistic expectations. _ Set a timer to encourage a 2-3 minute clean up time.

Review Time Checklist:

Teachers review with students _ 3-5 students share whole group what they did during Do Time. _ Allow for all students to share with a partner what they did during Do Time. Teachers talk with students about their Do Time experiences. _ Teachers take an unhurried approach to recall. _ Teachers invite students to talk about what they have done: _ Pick up on student opening comments. _ Ask an open-ended question. _ Teachers watch students and listen attentively. _ Teachers contribute observations and comments to keep recall narratives going. _ Teachers use questions thoughtfully and sparingly. _ Teachers acknowledge (rather than praise) students do time experiences.

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